September 24, 2010

Aloe Blacc x2

a couple ill tracks coming at you c/o aloe blacc. you make me smile makes us smile. ear to ear! here’s us EARsssssssmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiillllllllleeeeeeeeeeEAR. the track is off aloe’s dope as fuck stones throw release good things, which is absolutely killer. do your ears the favor and cop that shit A.S.A.P. also we got this dope miguel atwood-ferguson collab deliver the world. the collab features aloe rhyming on top of atwood-ferguson’s live jazz ensemble. the result is something truly amazing/inspirational. so much cool shit going on in the track, a truly fitting tribute to the tune’s dedicated, keith elam, a.k.a. the late guru of gang starr.

Aloe Blacc – You Make Me Smile by stonesthrow

Miguel-Atwood Ferguson – Deliver the World (Feat. Aloe Blacc)

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