December 9, 2010

In Memoriam: John Lennon


For every situation, every instance, there’s a John Lennon quote which sums up nearly the whole gamut of human existence. Catharsis after hubris: “I was feeling insecure; you might not love me anymore.” Dissatisfaction, apathy, and ambivalence: “Living is easy with eyes closed.” The optimism, sometimes blind, which drives dreams: “Imagine all the people, living life in peace…”

What can be written about Lennon which hasn’t been written already? Let us grieve Lennon’s death in equal parts for his family’s loss and the cultural significance. Mired in the wake of JFK’s assassination, The Beatles on Ed Sullivan helped a nation move forward and be happy again. And throughout the political tragedy of the 60’s, The Beatles spearheaded a musical revolution which, in retrospect, is the saving grace of that particular decade.

For as long as I can remember, my dad has told me the mythic story about when he was nineteen and driving around late at night in his ’66 GTO when he heard Strawberry Fields Forever on the radio for the first time. I think everyone who loves Lennon’s music can remember a similar consciousness-expanding moment. For myself, it was Sophomore year of college and my friend James came over to my dorm with his newly purchased vinyl of Plastic Ono Band, and laying across my floor pillows absolutely slayed by the prophetic nature of the album. “Working Class Hero” precipitated Bruce Springsteen’s entire career! The emotional nakedness of “Well Well Well,” the Neitszchean declaration of “God,” the simple plea of “Look At Me,” Lennon’s music teaches us to look into our own souls and uncover the art and the beauty which lies within.

We miss you, John.

Contributed by Chris Gedos

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