January 16, 2014

Rave’s Fave: The Crookes – Play Dumb

The Crookes

Many say that UK guitar bands have become less relevant and inventive as the indie pendulum has swung towards softer and more electronic music. Of course it’s only a matter of time before the guitars reclaim the throne. The Crookes consistently deliver refreshing, energetic, catchy songs. Their third album Soapbox comes in April and “Play Dumb” is the lead single. Behind the uptempo tune is a joyous vibe and monster collection of hooks. Frontman George Waite sings about hitting his midlife crisis at age 25 and about not letting a certain relationship get the best of him. The Crookes hail from Sheffield, England — same place the Arctic Monkeys come from. If there are those who feel that UK guitar-based bands fell off in the wake of the Arctics blowing up years ago, it might be the Crookes who help bring the sound back to the forefront. They will be at SXSW this year. Reviewed By Bruce Rave

The Crookes england (Facebook)

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