

Abigail Wyles – Mantra (Andrea Remix)

Abigail Wyles Andrea

Two faves of the site, the sultry-voiced R&B songstress Abigail Wyles and French producer/musician Andrea link up here on this brand new beat-heavy/glittering electronics-laden gem. Andrea’s mix is out now on MTA Records.

Andrea (Facebook)

Rating 8.2

brown8jah one

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Johnny Stimson – Daddy’s Money


Johnny Stimson, who was anointed to the level of B3 fave with his excellent “Human Man” single, returns w/ his latest, an 80’s pop-inspired paean to one of popular music’s most doted on bits of subject matter, rich girls. It’s “Daddy’s Money” and it’s live on B3SCI; go pack those big bags out of Saks Fifth Ave.

Johnny Stimson (Facebook)

Rating 8.1


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Snakadaktal – Hung On Tight (Fractures Remix)


Fractures who impressed earlier this year with their big blog hit “Twisted” hop on remix duty for another B3 fave Snakadaktal’s very good “Hung On Tight”. Fractures select for some rather impressive embellishments in the beats and instrumental; including that perfectly appropriated harp @ 3:45, which continues to just crush us w/ every listen. Snakadaktal’s debut Aussie LP is slated for a UK/US release this fall.

Snakadaktal england (Soundcloud)

Rating 8.1


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Premiere: Lenka – Nothing Here But Love (Twice As Nice Remix)

Lenka - Shadows of Shadows -  Remix EP Cover

Our faves the Twice As Nice crew get tapped for the lead release from fellow Aussie exiled to L.A. Lenka’s upcoming “Shadows of Shadows” remix EP. The syrupy sweet Twice As Nice mix glides about rather playfully all while still maintaining that sort of signature TAN ballast in the drum track’s punchiness and weight. Lenka “Shadows of Shadows” remix EP (remixing her Shadows LP from earlier this year) will see a global digital release on the 10th of September.

Lenka australia (Facebook) (Pre-Order)
Twice As Niceaustralia (Facebook)

Rating 8.3


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Empire Of The Sun – Alive (Gold Fields Remix)

Empire Of The Sun - Alive (Gold Fields Remix)

Following up last week’s quite good remix for Chela’s “Romanticize”, the Gold Fields boys do their fellow Oz compatriots EOTS several magnitudes better on this floor filling J. Bashmore on a bender house take on the hit track “Alive”.

Gold Fields australia (Facebook)

Rating 8.3

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Gold Panda – Reprise (T.Hemingway Remix)

gold panda

UK producer T. Hemingway lays some thick as day old molasses smoothness on Gold Panda’s track for “Reprise”. Been a long week? Let this be your reward.

Gold Panda england (Official)

Rating 8


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