B3’s Bruce Rave headed Brighton earlier this month to take in UK breaking artist festival The Great Escape. Sample below Bruce’s notes on some selected bands to keep tabs on the in nearest future.

The Bohicas are blistering live with huge guitar hooks.

Dutch Uncles are very precise with some songs hookier than others.

Aquilo have immense talent and played a pretty set that endured sound problems.

The girl band Pins reminds many of Best Coast (and they’ve toured together), but they do what they do well with good songs and tight playing.

Boxed In is a band that was unfamiliar to me and they nicely blend electro and rock.

Hippo Campus had only played live in Minnesota until this March, and this UK gig impressed the crowd.

Rat Boy attracted a bevy of high-end industry types. He’s considered hip hop but to me his high energy set was much more on the rock side.

Slaves was one of the most buzzed bands. If you like it hard, heavy, and humorous with some punk anger mixed in, this set would have been right up your alley.

On the other hand, Rhodes was equally effective in a soft and sweet way.

Spring King are a fun guitar band that plays fast with melody.

Blossoms matched their buzz with a good set in the very difficult Green Door Store venue.

The surprise closing set was by Maccabees. This was my first experience where most people in the hall were fans, since UK industry peeps know this band real well. While staid reactions were the norm, this set resulted in animated fans singing along.
Lots of bands I would have liked to see, time permitting, including The Vaccines, Alabama Shakes, Bully and The Strypes.
Check out Bruce’s “Go Deep” show on Fridays 1-3 pm Pacific, 4-6 pm Eastern, 9-11pm GMT. Also listen to past shows at Bruce’s blog and follow Bruce on Twitter.