East India Youth is England’s William Doyle. His Total Strife Forever album drops next week in both the UK and the US. Doyle cites Shostakovich and Brian Eno among his influences. Imagine that unpredictable blend and you have what NME Magazine lists as one of their most eagerly anticipated releases thus far in 2014. And I couldn’t agree more. Doyle doesn’t sing on all the album tracks but when he does, such as on “Dripping Down”, he brings a mellow and confident presence to his music. The song builds with synths that surprise. It’s savory backing vocals evolve to the point where they take on a Beach Boys feel near the song’s end. “Dripping Down” is the album’s first single, and it’s got a shot to catch on quickly. He will be at SXSW this year and I hope he’s got some quality venues lined up. Reviewed By Bruce Review
East India Youth – Dripping Down
East India Youth
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