

KEVIN MORBY – Slow Train (feat. Cate Le Bon)

kevin morby

The second single from Kevin Morby’s upcoming debut Woodsist Records LP Harlem Nights is the soulful rainy day nostalgia pop of “Slow Train”. A (very) relaxing glide into a territory when underground pop-leaning music wasn’t afraid to have a little bit of soul to it (the use of organ and the track’s hushed drums are particularly nice). November 26th is the date you need to know for Kevin Morby’s Harlem Nights record.

Kevin Morby newyork (@ Woodsist)

Rating 9


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Marika Hackman – Cinnamon

marika hackman cinnamon

Brilliant songwriter and B3SCI SXSW alum Marika Hackman announces new EP “Sugar Blind” and lead single “Cinnamon”. The wonderfully kinetic and melodically adventurous “Cinnamon” is indicative in quality of quite a step forward for Ms. Hackman. We’re loving the track. Well done.

Marika Hackman (Facebook)

Rating 8.0234


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Review: Fanfarlo – The Sea [EP]

Fanfarlo 1

By Mike Olinger

After last year’s Rooms Filled with Light and a string of successful music videos, London based alt. wavers Fanfarlo have returned with their anticipated EP The Sea.

It is a decidedly retro endeavor; with surf guitars and whammy bars bookending their signature Depeche Mode influenced Synthpop. This time around the music is warmer, catchier and more self-aware. Though the EP only contains four songs, Fanfarlo has managed to make a dynamic listen that is both innovative and readily accessible to their fan-base.

The opening track “A Distance” finds lead singer Simon Balthazar’s vocals oscillating between a ballroom croon and New Romantic warbling. Beyond it’s disco induced meandering, the song manages to tap into some profound themes, namely that relationships are fraught with miscommunication.

The title track emerges out of a sparkling harp arpeggio that wouldn’t feel out of place in Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The song’s nostalgic feel is enhanced by lyrics which detail a carefree day at the beach while painting a startling picture of reverse evolution back to the sea. Oyster shell percussion and heavenly female vocals hover over the powerful piano lines, aiding the tasteful production.

“The Wilderness” is about the grooviest track here, with tremolo guitars leading gracefully into a jangling overture. The socio-political themes are traded in for a more internal dialogue about the nature of self and the wilderness of the soul.

The finale, “WitchiTaiTo” is a loose adaptation of a traditional Native American Peyote song written by Jim Pepper in 1971. What first comes off as a mouthful of gibberish and whirl of mellotron can be deciphered as a life-affirming anthem upon return listens.

The Sea EP is an excellent addition to Fanfarlo’s steadily growing body of work. With their prolific output, it is our hope these lads will remain on the front lines, ushering in the third British invasion.

Fanfarlo england (Facebook) (Store)

Rating 8.5


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James Vincent McMorrow – Cavalier


“Cavalier” is fabulous return single from Irish songwriter and favorite of the site James Vincent McMorrow. On “Cavalier”, McMorrow updates and broadens the folk as hymnal sound palette of his debut Early in the Morning LP with more brilliant/vibrant vocal textures and instrumental voicings that while relevant to the new wave R&B trend that’s swept the UK Isles certainly feels more of a natural progression and extension of style rather than style chasing. We’re absolutely loving “Cavalier”. James Vincent McMorrow’s sophomore album Post Tropical is due in January.

James Vincent McMorrow ireland (Official) (Facebook) (iTunes)

Rating 9.0


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Dan Croll – Home

dan croll home

Dan Croll’s latest is the warm & folky (& very good) “Home”. Outfitted w/ the same skilled pop writing and derived again from Croll’s refreshingly varied musical palette, “Home” is another walkover win for the rising UK artist. “Home” is out November 25.

Dan Croll (Facebook)

Rating 8.3

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Clare Maguire – Black Coffee (Sarah Vaughan Cover)

claire maquire

The triumphant Clare Maguire gets an A+ for song choice (Sonny Burke’s classic “Black Coffee”, later performed by Sarah Vaughan and Peggy Lee among others) and an additional A+ for an engaging, original, dynamic take on a much covered standard. Maguire’s full-bodied Peggy Lee-esque vocal is well complemented by the track’s equally modern and mid-century-referencing production spinning the blue far-off quality of the original to a contemporary frame. Very very powerful.

Claire Maguire england (Facebook)

Rating 8.5

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Fe – Mother Russia


Besides the obvious, there’s lots to like about this.

Fe. newyork (Facebook)

Rating 8.7


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