September 26, 2013

Premiere: Phil Beaudreau – I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times (Beach Boys Cover)

The great Phil Beaudreau returns triumphantly with this vibed cover of The Beach Boys classic “I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times”. One of Brian Wilson’s most harmonically and compositionally accomplished songs, super producer Dawaun Parker adeptly spins Wilson’s tune into an unexpected (and really rewarding) jazz-inflected direction. Warm caterwauling synths, cooled-out beachside vocal layering, and clattering looped horns well outfit Phil’s thematically on point soulful-in-the-aether singing. Phil Beaudreau will close this Monday’s residency night with Zak Waters at The Satellite for a B3SCI presented show, more info here.

Phil Beaudreau california (Soundcloud)

Rating 8.7


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