September 16, 2009

The Cribs -“We Share the Same Skies”

“we share the same skies” has marr’s signature all over it. sure blahjohnny.blahblahmarr, but gotta hand it to the man.. he’s a barnacle when it comes to a good project. since his days with morrissey and co. he’s added his influence to projects with Talking Heads, Pet Shop Boys, Beck, Oasis, The Pretenders, Bernard Sumner, and Black Grape to name a few, in addition to current status as official member of Modest Mouse and now The Cribs. And until The Smiths get back together, which most likely won’t happen unless i win the lottery and offer them all my money, his work here with The Cribs will definitely suffice..

The Cribs fourth studio LP dropped last week in the UK and it will have an “official” US release mid-November (available now for download). it showcases Jarmen bros. and co. in fine form. “Cheat On Me” really grows. they’ll be in NY and LA for 3 days amidst their current tour schedule.. can’t, won’t, must-not miss them

The Cribs – “We Share the Same Skies”

buy it

rating: 8.3

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