May 26, 2015

Preview: Twin Peaks @ HiFi Deli Club, Los Angeles on Sat. 05/30

Hailing from Chicago, IL, Grand Jury band Twin Peaks swing by LA on 5/30 to play the HiFi Deli Club. The garage rock/punk rockers are currently on the “Isolated Incident” tour with Modern Vices and judging by the reaction on social media, it’s going to be a loud and sweaty time. Which for me, is exactly what I’m looking for. While guitars have for the most have been pretty silent in Top 40 recently, the scene has slowly been bubbling under with bands like Twin Peaks leading the charge. On the back of recent release on Grand Jury Records (Wild Onion, now available), the 5 piece have been making a name for themselves, city by city. Preview by Tony Perkis.

Twin Peaks (Soundcloud)

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