“Recollection” is first single from Keep Shelly in Athens’ debut (!) LP At Home. Brought to us via the cool team at Cascine, the track (along with the rest of the LP) will see a September 17th release. “Maturing in sound” is often music blogger/journo talk for this sounds more like what I want this band to sound like and in that department, at least for us, “Recollection” does represent a maturation in sound for the Athenian duo. The track is more melodic, the arrangement of it is more concise (easier to get into on the first or second listen than a large amount of KSIA’s previous material). That said, “Recollection” is no less inventive or interesting than “classic” Keep Shelly in Athens, the amount of ideas and just flat out work that went into a composition as dense and varied as “Recollection” have to be immense. Blah blah blah, to conclude, we love it.
Keep Shelly in Athens
Rating 8.2