Foals’ Holy Fire album came out last week and this third album of theirs rocks. Since dropping the well-received single “Inhaler” their lead up to the release of the entire album has seemed nothing but strong. Holy Fire delivers the goods. The guitar-oriented dance dudes in Foals explore oft different directions in their compositions, and they do so nicely with “Providence”. After a strange, dark lead-in vocal, the song kicks into one of the finest grooves I’ve heard in recent memory as momentum increases into a climax that is perfectly over the top. It will be fun to hear what Foals do with this song in concert. Be sure to catch them at Coachella this year. By Bruce Rave
Foals – ProvidenceFoals (Official)
* Links and playlists from Rave’s weekly new music show can be found on his blog and be sure follow Bruce on Twitter too!