Indigo Future is the PNW-focused (Pacific North Wilderness) artist collaborative/label that currently features the work of many local-area artists and bands, including Spokane trio WILD PACIFIC, whose guitarist Daniel Riley unveiled his dreamy-vibe solo project debut track “Security” in 2014 as his new act King B (also rep’ed by Indigo). Ryley just released the first single since the launch of his solo debut called ” Blind” which is a fresh vista into his developing solo artistic potential as King B. New track “Blind” has the listener wrapped up in a soulfully-melodic chilwave vibe that sports King B’s superbly calm and decadent experimental instrumental style that meshes perfectly with the depth of honesty that we feel in the slightly-hazy at-times-woeful expression vocals (which with the dramatic accent of the synth sometimes borders on the sound of a beautifully expansive cry). Reviewed by Erin Shay.
King B (Soundcloud)