I was Dolby’s A&R guy at Capitol when “She Blinded Me With Science” came out. The Golden Age of Wireless album was already released but when Thomas played “Science” for me, there was no way we could wait. I suggested a special release for “Science” which Thomas agreed to. The song went to #3. His first studio album in 20 years drops today. It’s really good but mostly pretty quiet. The dancy “Spice Train” contains lots of the fun we remember Thomas for. It’s so good to have him back and making fine music again. Sure I’m biased but if you’re a Dolby fan, I doubt you’ll fault me for this pick. Contributed by Bruce Rave
Thomas Dolby – Spice TrainThomas Dolby (Official)
Check out Bruce’s “Go Deep” show on Friday’s around 2p Pacific, 5p Eastern. Also listen to past shows at Bruce’s blog.