so i was watching the film Independence Day the other day, i mean why not right? it’s fourth of july weekend and i guess that’s what you do. and everytime i watch the film i think (other than, man, why wasn’t harvey fierstein’s character more developed), holy shit why didn’t the aliens invade packing mac computers? RIGHT?! i mean a computer virus actually wipes them out?! c’mon.. as was called out in the movie, the aliens knew when to attack us, how to attack us, all that bullshit, supposedly studied the human race for decades and then they neglect the whole mac/pc virus thing???
anyway, can you say bitchin’ sequel? the aliens return + macs……i see the screenplay (this is just an idea) playing out in three basic phases, 1) aliens blow shit up….this is good for at least 45 minutes of film time, 2) Goldblum’s fuckin’ puzzled…..this should go on for about 45 minutes too….Goldblum puzzled = $$$$$$, trust us! 3) we make millions. you know Vivica Fox’s plastic surgery fund is runnin’ a bit thin, she’d be down for sure and we could prob get Bill Pullman to work for weed. so Roland Emmerich, ball is in your court, dude, call us!

COMMENTARY: Independence Day (1996) .. PC or MAC?
so i was watching the film Independence Day the other day, i mean why not right? it’s fourth of july weekend and i guess that’s what you do. and everytime i watch the film i think (other than, man, why wasn’t harvey fierstein’s character more developed), holy shit why didn’t the aliens invade packing mac computers? RIGHT?! i mean a computer virus actually wipes them out?! c’mon.. as was called out in the movie, the aliens knew when to attack us, how to attack us, all that bullshit, supposedly studied the human race for decades and then they neglect the whole mac/pc virus thing???
anyway, can you say bitchin’ sequel? the aliens return + macs……i see the screenplay (this is just an idea) playing out in three basic phases, 1) aliens blow shit up….this is good for at least 45 minutes of film time, 2) Goldblum’s fuckin’ puzzled…..this should go on for about 45 minutes too….Goldblum puzzled = $$$$$$, trust us! 3) we make millions. you know Vivica Fox’s plastic surgery fund is runnin’ a bit thin, she’d be down for sure and we could prob get Bill Pullman to work for weed. so Roland Emmerich, ball is in your court, dude, call us!