

Premiere: Saba Abraha – Pathway

“Pathway”, new from Ethiopian-born singer Saba Abraha, is a cool unexpected swerve on the sound of modern alt R&B. On the track, which we’re very
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Premiere: Conrad Clifton – Beautiful Tragedy (VIP Remix)

Conrad Clifton is a Brooklyn-based producer that loves to elude categorization. We’re happy to premier his newest single, “Beautiful Tragedy (VIP
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Premiere: Kidsmoke – Sister Sadness

We loved “Sister Sadness”, the latest single from one of our favorite new bands Kidsmoke, back in February so we’re especially stoked to premiere
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Premiere: Sama Dams – Western Love

Sama Dams is an emerging indie group from Portland that’s got an infectious minimalist rock vibe I keep coming back to. We’re honored to be
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Premiere: Colin Magalong – Blossom

“Blossom” is the first track online from SF native and LA-based Colin Magalong. On “Blossom”, Magalong packs big-time crossover-ready vocal into
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Premiere: CAPYAC – Down In It (Feat. Caroline Watson)

“Down In It” is brand new (premiere! premiere! premiere!) from French band CAPYAC. Vets of SXSW, Austin City Limits, Euphoria Fest, Sound on
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Premiere: Koalas – Two Loves

The impeccable synth-pop of “Two Loves” is new from Manchester UK duo Koalas. Propelled from its start position by peppy minor chord synth stabs,
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Premiere: Payton Odom – At My Door

“At My Door”, the debut track online from Brooklyn via Texas songwriter Payton Odom is one of those extraordinary at-the-beginning moments when a
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Premiere: mAsis – Brother

Glendale, CA band mAsis address a complex fraternal relationship on “Brother”. The band whose members have worked with Rhye, Banks, and Mr.
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Premiere: Desert Moons – Deep Water

“Deep Water” is new from talented Aussies Desert Moons. The twosome of singer Jake Dobson and brother Simon Dobson, “Deep Water” follows on from
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Premiere: Cautious Clay – Cold War

We love this song! “Cold War” new from Cautious Clay blends a diverse melange of styles into a remarkably accessible and listenable pop song
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Premiere: Upstairs Open – You Got Love

“You Got Love” is the debut track from Upstairs Open, the UK-based duo of Daniel James and Courtney Paynter. Buoyed by magnetic set of melodies
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